Olivia Kortas Lebenslauf – The German-Polish journalist Olivia Kortas works as a freelancer. She holds an honors degree in International Journalism from both the Danish Media and Journalism School DMJX in Aarhus and the Dutch University of Utrecht HU Utrecht.Her research interests include Central and Eastern European migration and crises. She has covered stories in a dozen different nations over the past few years, including Iraq, Uganda, Kenya, Russia and Ukraine. Her work sheds light on international political and economic developments.
Olivia spent three years reporting from Warsaw, Poland, where she covered the rallies against tighter abortion restrictions, the attack on the court system and three elections. Your current home base is Berlin.AL Jazeera English, The Economist, Time, Der Standard and FAZ and FAS, Tygodnik Powszechny, De Groene Amsterdammer, MDR, Deutsche Welle and De Standaard are just a few of the famous European publications that have published their work.
The German-Polish journalist Olivia Kortas Alter has achieved international fame. Her full name, Olivia Korta’s age, is what most people call her. Her actual date of birth is not given. Pictures of her show that she is currently between the ages of twenty and twenty-eight. She was born in the German capital of Berlin. The zodiac sign she was born under is unknown. Your religious beliefs are a mystery. She is a German citizen.
She has excellent qualifications thanks to her training in psychology and communication science at the Ludwig-Maximilians-University. Research journalist Olivia Kortas works independently. In her opinion, good journalism requires patient research and a sober knowledge of human nature.Olivia Kortas earned a BA in Communication Sciences and Psychology from LMU Munich in 2016. For her research, she interviewed most German war journalists under the age of 30. In addition, she spent a year in the Netherlands and Denmark to study European and international journalism at a specialized level.
Olivia untersucht die Faktoren, die Einzelpersonen auf globaler, nationaler und regionaler Ebene beeinflussen. Die Schlüsselregion für die Glasproduktion in Deutschland hat sie während ihres 18-monatigen Praktikums bei der Passauer Neuen Presse abgedeckt. Sie beschäftigte sich mit den massiven Entlassungen der Fabrik, nachdem ein österreichischer Geschäftsmann sie gekauft und den Betrieb an einen anderen Ort verlagert hatte.
Olivia has worked as a freelance writer, writing for media outlets such as Al Jazeera English, Die Welt, VICE, Cicero and the Krakow Post. She went to Southeast Turkey for one of her earliest reporting assignments. On the eve of parliamentary elections, she spoke to HDP MPs and refugees in camps near the Syrian border. There she realized that she wanted to pursue international reporting.
She plans to continue her interest in Eastern Europe where she has family roots, specifically Poland. As a traveling journalist, she exposed government efforts to silence dissidents like street musicians in Belarus. She went to Greece to report to the world press about the plight of the refugees.
Being European is an honour.
Wir haben unsere europäischen Berichterstatter zu ihrer Arbeit und ihrem Ausblick auf die bevorstehenden Europawahlen befragt.A lot is happening in Europe right now. The tone of the political conversation is changing as migration becomes an increasingly divisive issue. Populist rhetoric from emerging right-wing groups is causing pro-EU parties to lose ground in the polls. The political division is likely to remain for a long time, but is being exacerbated by discussions about Brexit and US President Trump.
From Warsaw, Olivia Kortas, a member of the European journalists’ collective, covers the region from the south and east.Freelance author Olivia Kortas writes for media such as Die Zeit, MDR, Deutsche Welle and the Dutch publication De Groene Amsterdammer. It mainly covers stories from Iraq and Uganda, as well as from south-eastern European countries such as Poland, Hungary, Ukraine, Belarus, Greece and Bulgaria.
Kortas studied communication science and psychology at the LMU Munich, attended the institute for journalism training at the Passauer Neue Presse on a full scholarship and completed the Danish School of Media and Journalism as well as the training program for political journalism in the European Union at the Hogeschool Utrecht.
Hungarian capital Budapest
Meine Mitarbeiter Kasper Goethals und Johannes De Bruycker und ich waren im Irak. Wir haben uns alle in Budapest versammelt, um unseren Berichten den letzten Schliff zu geben und eine Ausstellung und einen Workshop zu planen. Wir haben den Schweizer Theaterregisseur Milo Rau nach Mossul begleitet, als er Szenen für seine bevorstehende Inszenierung des griechischen Stücks Orestie drehte. Außerdem kam ich wieder mit jemandem in Kontakt, den ich drei Jahre zuvor in einem griechischen Flüchtlingslager getroffen hatte, wo ich recherchiert hatte.
“Here Europe fails”, was the headline or similar
f one of the Greek news articles. The reason for the failure was that the refugees could not leave the camps in Greece due to a lack of information. The reopening of the border with Macedonia was longed for by many. Fighting broke out between the refugees, and the helpers on site were completely overwhelmed. Greece is taking care of this problem on its own after the rest of the EU has ignored it.
Although it was foreseeable that the number of refugees from war zones like Syria would increase, there was a lack of information and planning. It’s been three years and not much has changed in Greece. I was born to Polish parents in Lower Bavaria. As teenagers, they undertook several exciting journeys through what was then the Soviet Union. Their captivating stories have piqued my interest. I was curious about today’s differences between Germany and the former Soviet satellite states. I speak Polish and have basic knowledge of Russian. I identify strongly with Eastern culture.
deep investigation
In the early stages of my career, I was fortunate to receive student finance. I have no experience working with editors. Funds were typically awarded to teams composed of peers from other countries. We have been compensated for our efforts in conducting the research and writing the resulting articles.
The Caravan’s Journal
Ich bin das einzige deutsche Mitglied. Dann ist da noch mein Kollege Kasper Goethals, der für den belgischen Standard schreibt und Coen van de Ven, der für das niederländische Magazin De Groene Amsterdammer schreibt. Wir drei haben uns während des Studiums kennen gelernt. Dann ist noch der Fotograf Johannes De Bruycker dazu gekommen. Im Haifischbecken Journalismus ist es gut, jemanden zum Diskutieren und zur gegenseitigen Unterstützung zu haben. Kasper, Coen und ich schreiben häufig zusammen.
Teilweise recherchieren wir auch zum selben Thema in verschiedenen Ländern. Alle schreiben in ihrer Sprache und dann übersetzen wir das in die jeweilige Sprache des Magazins. Am Ende stehen dann alle unsere Namen über dem Artikel. Wir organisieren außerdem Workshops für junge Kolleginnen und Kollegen.In Polen war die Mehrheit immer schon sehr für die EU. Das ist zur Zeit ein Problem für die konservative Regierungspartei.
Sie steht unter Druck, weil ihr von der Opposition vorgeworfen wird, sie lasse es zu einem Austritt aus der EU kommen. In Ungarn ist es etwas anders: Der Ministerpräsident zeigt in Brüssel ein pro-europäisches Gesicht, denn sein Land braucht die EU aus ökonomischen Gründen sehr stark. Aber andererseits sind die Kampagnen der Regierung sehr nationalistisch. Die meisten Medien gehören regierungsnahen Geschäftsmännern. Deshalb denken auch immer mehr Menschen nationalistisch.